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Wheels stuck in the ground [FIXED] Romanian Version

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Wheels stuck in the ground [FIXED] Romanian Version Empty Wheels stuck in the ground [FIXED] Romanian Version

Post by Linguritza Wed Feb 10, 2016 9:03 pm

Deschideti Vehicle.IDE si cautati vehiculul la care doriti sa eliminati bugul (in exemplul de mai jos am luat camioneta Yosemite)

Mai jos avem line-ul original:

554, yosemite, yosemite, car, YOSEMITE, YOSEMIT, null, normal, 10,0, 0, -1, 0.8, 0.8, 0

Dupa cum puteti vedea in line se afla un -1 (cel subliniat)

Inlocuiti -1 cu 0 si ar trebuii sa arate asa:

554, yosemite, yosemite, car, YOSEMITE, YOSEMIT, null, normal, 10,0, 0, 0, 0.8, 0.8, 0

Acum salvati modificarile si verificati schimbarile !

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